/Oct 15, 2016, San Diego, CA
Firebird Executives attend International “Top Cops” Conference
Firebird CEO, Bruce MacNair and Chief Strategy Officer, Randy Lange attended the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) conference ( IACP is the premier annual gathering of the world’s top federal, state, local/municipal, and tribal police/law enforcement (LE) executives and decision makers. The gathering is designed to create a collaborative environment to explore the top issues, problem sets, and challenges facing today’s LE communities worldwide as well as to explore trends and ideas related to policy and the latest advances in technology, training. This year’s event was in sunny San Diego at the San Diego Convention Center. Mr. MacNair and Mr. Lange engaged current customers, partner companies, and top experts on topics relevant to Firebird’s support of its Law Enforcement customers. Firebird is proud of its support to the LE community and looks forward to participating in next year’s conference in Philadelphia on Oct 21-24 2017. For more information please go to